
David Gulden

Class of 1987

African Wildlife Photographer


David Gulden '87

Beyond Green Vale

Education: Pomfret School, Roanoke College

大卫·古尔登是一位专门从事非洲野生动物摄影的视觉艺术家. He resides in Karen, Kenya with his wife and two daughters. In addition to solo gallery exhibitions in New York and London, 戈尔登已经出版了两本摄影书籍,并与他所处的环境有着深刻的个人联系:《十大电竞游戏综合排名》和《十大电竞游戏综合排名》. 

As The Wall Street Journal explains, "Mr. 戈尔登的作品有两大摄影传统——爱德华·柯蒂斯的, who devoted his life to documenting the passing of a way of  life, and that of Ansel Adams, who wanted to make photos of nature that were indelible. To have combined them is another remarkable accomplishment."

Recalling Green Vale

Gulden attended Green Vale from ___ to ____. His father, brother, and nieces are all graduate as well. 

"“My memories of GV: It’s wonderful green playing fields, it’s welcoming classrooms, and many of the closest friends I’ve ever come across. GV ignited my imagination and set me on a path to other worlds.”"

Dhruv T. Kothari

Class of 2021

Student at The Hotchkiss School


Dhruv T. Kothari '21

Beyond Green Vale

Education: The Hotchkiss School

Recalling Green Vale

“I deeply appreciate the fantastic and caring teachers at GVS. From an early age, 他们让我明白,教育的真正价值远不止学术成就. It is about character and community, the two pillars of GVS’s mission. 我们的责任是在我们的社区和整个世界为他人服务, utilizing our skills and talents to their fullest potential. 做任何事都包容他人,尊重不同的观点. 我明白了个人诚信比受欢迎更重要,善良比酷更重要. 我也感激我一生的友谊和快乐的回忆,我将永远珍惜.

Through academic, artistic, and athletic pursuits, GVS的经历教会了我批判性思维和好奇心的终身技能. It enabled me to learn from every experience, big or small. It fostered the values of grit and graciousness. It opened doors to new experiences, 无论是学习一门新的语言,比如拉丁语,还是学习一种新的乐器,比如中提琴. 这为我在高中学习高等数学奠定了基础. 它教会了我要积极参与,并将历史和人文学科的课程应用到现代事件中. But, most importantly, I learned the importance of being an upstanding citizen, finding unity in diversity, finding friends who bring out the best in us, and doing what’s right, especially when it’s hard.

 I am currently a sophomore at the Hotchkiss School in Connecticut. I attended GVS from 2nd to 8th grade. Before GVS, 从学前班到一年级,我在米尼奥拉和新海德公园学区的公立学校上学.”

Courtney Lenoir

Class of 2007

Teacher at GVS


Courtney Lenoir '07

Beyond Green Vale

Education: Friends Academy High School, New York University
Current Position: World History and Wellness Teacher, Secondary School Placement at GVS

Recalling Green Vale

“As an alum of a school where every child is truly known, 我可以诚实地说,在十大电竞游戏综合排名期间培养的归属感和社区意识一直伴随着我. 知道我的老师对我的个人和学术成长的投入使我的教育和发展变得完全不同.

When I chose to pursue a career in education, 我知道回馈给我这么多的社区是一件不可思议的事情. 因此,当有机会加入格林维尔大学的教职员工时,我欣然接受了这个机会. 看到我自己的学生在我有幸经历的同样支持和包容的环境中茁壮成长,这绝对是一种快乐. I am constantly amazed by the growth and development of my students, and I am grateful to be able to play a small part in their journey.

我当老师的头两年是在费城的日耳曼敦朋友学校度过的,然后搬回纽约在格林维尔教书. I started as a 4th-grade teacher, then a 5th-grade teacher, 现在我教世界历史和健康,同时也是中学安置小组的一员.  我非常感谢有机会成为这样一个特殊社区的一员,我很自豪现在能够以老师的身份回馈社会.”

Shelby Renjifo

Class of 2012

Visual and Media Arts & Author


Shelby Renjifo '12

Beyond Green Vale

Education: Our Lady of Mercy Academy, Emerson College
Current Position: Visual & Media Arts Production, Writer (and working on my next book!)

Recalling Green Vale

“GV提供了一个舒适的学习和成长环境,有一些顶级的老师和紧密的联系, respectful group of peers. 我最美好的记忆是在这里度过的童年时光.

我的经历不仅给了我追求梦想的信心,而且给了我超越的信心. I particularly want to praise the English department for nurturing my creativity; I still reread some of the essays presented in Mr. Wood’s class!”

Elizabeth Putnam

Class of 1948

Founder at Student Conservation Association (SCA)


Elizabeth Putnam '48

Beyond Green Vale

Education: Miss Porter’s School, Vassar College
Current Position: Founder at Student Conservation Association (SCA)

Recalling Green Vale

“I am so grateful to Green Vale for what was an excellent education. I was there first through ninth grade which was during WWII. I felt so grateful to all the faculty. Each and every one of them helped me to feel safe, and inspired me both academically and athletically. 我很幸运能成为十大电竞游戏综合排名大学的一名学生,并且由衷地享受和感激我在那里所获得的机会.

十大电竞游戏综合排名在学术、运动和社交方面给了我坚实的基础. I am still in touch with some friends I made there. 我觉得自己已经为接下来的学术和运动生涯做好了充分的准备,并且一直非常感谢十大电竞游戏综合排名帮助我掌握了这些关键的基本技能.”

Claudia DeBrun Boldyga

Class of 1982

Non-Profit Executive


Claudia DeBrun Boldyga '82

Beyond Green Vale

Education: Lower Merion High School, Delaware State College
Current Position: Founder & President of Bosom Buddies Charities

“我没有像大多数同学那样走上大学和事业的正常道路,而是专注于回馈不同的慈善机构,这些慈善机构多年来一直在激励着我. 能够帮助别人克服全球电子游戏平台大全中的各种困难,给他们前进的信心,这是非常值得的, to not be afraid, 并寻求帮助,这样他们就可以照亮任何类型的黑暗."

Recalling Green Vale

“The Green Vale School will always have a special place in my heart.  我可以诚实地说,每年当我们登上GVS的主要台阶时,我都有同样的感觉,那是纯粹的快乐. 校园已经成长为这样一个美丽的学校,它仍然让我微笑和自豪. 

我不是学校里的“优等生”,但我是一个交际花,喜欢学校和GVS提供的所有活动. 他们有这么多美好的传统,我会永远珍惜它们. GVS was like a huge family and I always felt so comfortable there. I always knew how lucky I was to be at GVS. What was there not to love right? 

我知道我是今天的我,因为GVS和所有老师教给我的指导和人生课程. 我仍然记得我在GVS有幸遇到的所有老师:Mrs. Clark, Miss Dorst, Mr. Zaloom, Mr. Vaninne, Miss Notley, Mrs. Kaleis, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Manson, Ms. Webb, Ms. Thurston Mr. Rucker Mr. Simonds, Mrs. Bowman, the school nurse Mrs. Hotop...just to name a few.  I feel that my education at GVS gave me the confidence to do anything.

当我进入高中时,我的父母决定结束他们的婚姻,我简直崩溃了 . 这对我来说是一段艰难的时期,但我一直知道有人关心我,这在你年轻的时候是非常重要的. All of my teachers who had known me for years were so supportive. 我仍然记得在GVS的最后一年里,所有的老师都对我很好. [After graduating], 这些年我做得很好,但我总是会回想,如果没有我的GVS大家庭,会发生什么?

Augusta Read Thomas

Class of 1979

Classical Composer & University Professor


Augusta Read Thomas '79

Beyond Green Vale

Education: St. 保罗学院,西北大学,耶鲁大学,皇家音乐学院
Current Position: Professor of Composition, Northwestern University; Director, Chicago Center for Contemporary Composition